We want to explore and grow the power of women and empower them to create future life's they did not imagine to achieve. There is no roadmap, no pre-defined path - it is us together building the road to a bright future!
Sharing Experiences
Sometimes it is important to share experiences and exchange work arounds so the glass ceiling is not the limit.
Role Model
We want girls to learn from our experiences. So for them it will become normal to choose whatever profession they want.
You are not alone, when you know others are out there you can share your experiences with.
We live in a time of change – so it is time for change!
According to a popular saying it is either you love it, you leave it or you change it. – And we are ready to change what we do not like!
In a “world on fire” disruptive ideas and innovators are needed. Yet, a look at the Forbes list of the 100 most innovative leaders shows 99 men and only one woman! Still even after years of flower-power, bra-burning, emancipation and working women as common standard – women are still not perceived as innovators. We set out to chance that and offer female innovators a platform to exchange ideas, experiences and offer a stage to make their voices heard!

Contact us and raise your voice.
We are looking forward to hearing from you!
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Hello, my name is
Wilma Mankel
and I am the Managing Director of a marketing agency, where I am passionately driving digital transformation with a focus on human interaction and innovation. I am also the founder of the Female Innovators Club, a network of inspiring women showcasing unique innovation cases.
The Female Innovators Club aims to increase the visibility of female innovators, provide networking opportunities, and inspire young women to explore their potential. We highlight diverse examples of innovation and leadership to showcase the opportunities available to women in various fields.
In March 2024, we hosted our first in-person conference, sparking enthusiasm and collaborative energy. Our mission includes organizing both online and in-person events to facilitate knowledge exchange and mutual growth.
Joining the Female Innovators Club offers a chance to be part of a supportive community where your achievements and experiences are valued. Whether you are an experienced leader or starting your innovation journey, there is a place for you to share, learn, and inspire.
Be part of a community where your voice and ideas matter, shaping the future and inspiring others. Engage with fellow female innovators and help create a legacy of empowerment and breakthroughs in technology and business.
Embrace this opportunity to connect, learn, and grow. Let’s drive the digital transformation together, increasing the visibility of women innovators and inspiring each other to pursue our unique paths. Join us today and lead the charge in innovation.

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